Godzilla's Anatomy

Part II

Lastly, Godzilla is known for his near-invulnerability thanks to his skin being able to resist artillery shells and blows from other giant monsters. However, a material able to resist missiles would have to be incredibly dense. After all, bomb shelters wouldn’t be nearly as effective if their walls were as thin as a piece of wood. Because of this I question as to how Godzilla would be able to effectively move unless the material that composes his skin is also somehow flexible enough to allow him to move without also breaking apart whenever he bends his knees.

Godzilla being pelted by missiles from MechaGodzilla.
Source: Godzilla Against MechaGodzilla (2002)

However, this still violates the Conservation of Energy. When energy is dispersed, it doesn’t just go away. It simply transfers over to a different field. So, when Godzilla gets hit with a missile, he would still suffer the effects of it regardless of whether or not it doesn’t do internal damage to him. To put in familiar terms, even when wearing
Kevlar bullets can still break ribs or cause internal bleeding due to the kinetic energy being transferred. Simply put, invulnerability to missiles like that just isn’t possible unless the energy can be properly dispersed over a large area.

Table of Contents

Title Page
Anatomy Part I
Anatomy Part II
Atomic Breath
Ancient Technique
Works Cited

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