When considering the shape of the universe, most scientists were divided. Some argued that the universe was a giant curve that eventually closed up on itself, and that if we ever got to the edge of that curve, we would find ourselves going back the way that we came. Others argued that the universe was flat, maybe with a few wrinkles, and that we would never be able to find the edge beyond our horizon.
Martin Reyce, an Astronomer Royal, posited that our observable universe is like a bubble in the entire universe. We can only see to the edge of that bubble, our horizon, which is a veil of radiation 15 billion light years away. No matter how far we traveled, there would always be another horizon.
Martin Reyce, an Astronomer Royal, posited that our observable universe is like a bubble in the entire universe. We can only see to the edge of that bubble, our horizon, which is a veil of radiation 15 billion light years away. No matter how far we traveled, there would always be another horizon.