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So what? So what if some Standard Modelphysicist found some tiny particle by watching what happens when some other particles collide? What does any of this even matter for the world and how does it extend beyond the realm of particle physics? The Higgs Boson is an excitation of the Higgs Field which is something that physicists have believed to exist but could never prove it. Imagine a Jenga Tower with one missing piece. You know what should go there but you just can't seem to find it. That is what the Higgs Boson and its corresponding field were for the Standard
The Standard Model is an equation that describes how fundamental particles exist and interact. The model was developed in the 1970s and used information about known fundamental particles and predicted the existence of other particles. So the Standard Model is one of many overarching theories that seek to explain the way that our universe functions. The Higgs Boson's importance comes in part that it can either prove or disprove the Standard Model which is the currently accepted theory. Either way the Higgs Boson will play a big part in which direction we look for future undiscovered particles.