How does Physics apply to Hockey?

  • Every aspect of hockey requires physics. The motion of the goaltender to maneuver around the goal, every player that is skating on the ice, any player that wants to hit the puck with their stick. The list can go on for a long time for everything that is related to physics in hockey.
  • Skating is the most important subject of hockey, because if you can't skate then your more than likely not going to be able to play.
  • Shooting is also very important because you need to apply a certain amount of force on the puck so it can go into the goal, but you also have to make sure you shoot the puck at a certain velocity and a certain height so you can get it past the goaltender that is sitting in the net.
  • The Hockey rink is also very important to the game. The ice in the rink is essentially friction-less which makes it easy for the rubber puck to glide across the ice.
  • If the puck wasn't able to move across the ice easy, the game would be very difficult. 

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