The Science Behind the Steering Wheel

Four Stroke Engine

The muscles and sinew of every car is the powertrain.  Chief among the various parts of a powertrain is the engine.  In the animation above, you can see a single cylinder four stroke engine.  If you watch the animation carefully, you can see there are four phases in this engine cycle:
  1. The cylinder is filled with an air/gas mixture as the piston goes down.
  2. The cylinder is compressed as the piston goes up.
  3. The spark plug located at the top of the cylinder fires, igniting the air/gas mixture, forcing the piston down.
  4. The exhaust fumes are pushed out as the piston goes up.

A car engine is an example of something known as a heat engine.  A heat engine takes heat flow and uses it to produce work.  In the third phase of our example engine, the spark plug creates a fiery explosion within the cylinder.  This creates a massive burst of heat.  The heat travels away from the cylinder, creating heat flow.  Some of the heat is used to create mechanical work, creating the power needed to get your car down the road.  The remainder of the heat is lost through the exhaust system and through your engine block.  A good way to think of this is to imagine a paddlewheel being driven by moving water.  Your car's engine is a source of water and a paddlewheel, but instead of creating water, it creates heat!  The maximum possible efficiency, known as the Carnot efficiency, of your car's engine is governed by the following equation:

Max Efficiency = [(Th-Tc)/Th] * 100%

In the equation above, Th is the temperature of the hot reservoir.  In the case of your car engine, this is the hot gas in the cylinder.  Tc is the temperature of the cold reservoir.  In your car's case, it's the temperature of the outside air.  All temperatures are measured in Kelvin.  At this point, some of the more astute among you have noticed that you can maximize your efficiency by increasing the temperature of your hot reservoir and decreasing the temperature of your cold reservoir.  This is a great idea, but remember that there are limits to the durability of materials we create our engines from and not all of us are willing to live in Antarctica!  Further, due to all the moving parts and the friction between these moving parts, a real engine will never actually reach the maximum efficiency.  In fact, you'd be lucky if you get 30% efficiency from your car's engine!

For those of us more interested in the performance aspect of cars, I present an equation that may excite you.  This is also the only time I will use English measurement units:

Horsepower = Torque * RPM / 5252
This equation shows the relationship between horsepower, torque and RPMs, common engine metrics published by car companies.  Horsepower is a measurement of power, or the amount of work the engine is able to produce in a specified time.  One horsepower is 550 foot-pounds per second.  Torque is the ability of the engine to turn the wheels even if something is resisting the turn.  Torque is measured in foot-pounds.  RPMs are revolutions per minute, a measure of how many cycles the engine is capable of going through in one minute.  The engine we saw above, being a four stroke engine, actually goes through two revolutions to complete one cycle.  With horsepower, as it is in the case of fried chicken and cheesecake, more is better.  Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.