Death and Legacy

Wernher Von Braun in his Office

The successful Apollo missions amazed the world and were a tremendous success and obviously some of the greatest achievements in human history.  Samuel Philips, director of the Apollo Program, said that without Wernher Von Braun, man would have never reached the moon.

Von Braun with U.S. President John F. Kennedy

Wernher Von Braun left NASA in May of 1972.  He worked shortly as a VP at Fairchild Industries, an aeronautical engineering firm.  He succumbed to pancreatic cancer in June 1977.  In the last years of his life, he devoted much time and energy trying to promote enthusiasm towards rocket science and aeronautical engineering to younger generations.  He frequently spoke to students at college campuses.  He also created the idea for “space camp;” an astronomy-focused science summer camp for young people.  He was the main voice in establishing the National Space Institute, a space exploration advocacy group.

NSS logo   

Space Camp


Critics of his designs state that he was too conservative and wasted too much time and energy on the safety of his rockets, including the Saturn V.  Claims have been made that the U.S. could’ve beat the USSR in putting a man in orbit if Von Braun had sped up design processes instead of worrying about safety.  What these critics forget is that when Von Braun was first brought to the U.S, the government, much in the same way as the NSDAP had done during the war, initially forced him to focus on designing combat missiles despite his passionate insistence on exploring means of space-travel.  Also in his defense, the lives of no astronauts were lost during a Saturn V trans-orbital flight.  Historians also will often argue that Von Braun was too passive and compliant to the Fascist government that utilized his brilliance for a destructive purpose.  These claims may be true, but one could argue that they are offset by the amount he has improved the human condition with his innovations in Aerospace engineering.

Grave of Wernher Von Braun

Title Page
Early Life
Then V-1
The V-2
NASA and the Saturn V
Death and Legacy