
This website is about the exoplanet, Kepler 22b. An exoplanet is any planet that orbits a star that is not our Sun. There are many reasons that scientists find Kepler 22b is a particularly interesting exoplanet. After navigating through these webpages, perhaps you will find Kepler 22b an interesting exoplanet as well.


Perhaps the most interesting feature of Kepler 22b is that it lies in the habitable zone. In astrobiology and astronomy this means that water on this planet exists in liquid form. There are many factors that contribute to whether a planet lies within the habitable zone. Not all of these factors are determined for Kepler 22b. Nevertheless, Kepler 22b has become quite charismatic due to its ability to support life. Indeed, so charismatic that, in addition to scientists, artists have taken a liking to Kepler 22b as well.


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