Quick Math:
Tea is generally divided
into six different categories which include:
WHITE: wilted and not
YELLOW: not wilted and not
oxidized, but it is yellowed
GREEN: not wilted and not
OOLONG: wilted, bruised,
and partially oxidized
BLACK: wilted, sometimes
crushed, and fully oxidized
that has been fermented
Of these types, white green oolong and black are the most
popular types of tea.
The perfect temperature ranges between
140 degrees and 212 degrees. Every tea is different, but they
generally in that temperature range. For example, black
tea can be brewed in boiling water and is usually
must only be steeped for 4-6 minutes. Oolong tea is much
better when brewed at a temperature around 190
degrees Fahrenheit and when steeped for 5-8 minutes. Green
tea is one of the easier teas to make, by needing
a water temperature of 150-160 degrees Fahrenheit with only 2-4
minutes to steep.
If you have a 200 gram cup of green
tea that is 100 degrees Celsius and way too hot to drink, what
would the new temperature of the drink be if you added 50 grams
of water at zero degrees Celsius?
The Perfect Temperature