Feynman's Career
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        The brilliance of Richard Feynman led to his recruitment into the Manhattan Project.  The photo on the left shows Feynman with the physicist Oppenheimer during this period.  While working on the atomic bomb, Feynman is said to have engaged in lockpicking and safecracking in order to show where security was lacking. (Riley)  Once the U.S. dropped the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Feynman found himself in a depression in which he questioned the value of science itself.

       Eventually Richard Feynman emerged from his depression to teach.  He was passionate about teaching students, and is known for emphasizing understanding of concepts rather than memorization of facts and figures.  He eventually ended up at Caltech where he was known for his passionate and at times humorous teaching style.  The link on the right goes to a recorded lecture that Feynman gave on Probability and Uncertainty.
