<Harmonics and Pitch
Lip Plate
The lip plate is commonly found in woodwind
instruments such as the flute, but something similar
would be the hole of a bottle. When blown into, the
air may bounce around in various directions, causing
it to vibrate and produce sound.

The reed is found in woodwind instruments such as
clarinets or saxophones.
It is used to allow the air to vibrate in the
reed as well as the column, giving a sound akin to the
frequency of air. Depending on the air pressure on the
reed, it
opens and closes. Higher air pressure causes it to
open while
lower air pressure causes it to close, altering
the volume
produced by the instrument it is attached to.
Double Reed
Double reeds are found in woodwind instruments such as
oboes or bassoons. They contain the properties of a reed by
itself, but the air going through each reed vibrates along with
the other reed.

woodwind instruments contain a sort of air column
called bores
that the air blown into it travels through. The
structure of the bore
changes the harmonics of the instrument, in turn
changing its pitch
as well as its wavelength. For woodwind
instruments, th
three types bores: open-ended, close-ended, and
conical. The one
in the image is open-ended (one side is the reed
end). Conical bores
are also close-ended, but they are in a cone
Holes and Keys
The holes and
keys found on woodwind instruments are
used to modify the length of the bores, which end
up changing
the pitch of the instrument as a whole. Covering a
hole gives a
lower note since the frequency of the air
travelling through
the air column decreases. Pushing down a key gives
a lower note
since it opens the air column more, allowing more
air to flow
through it, decreasing the frequency.