The Physics of Space Travel

Man has gone to the moon, we've sent satellites into orbits around Earth, even sent rovers to Mars so that they can wander around on the surface, but have we ever taken a TARDIS and made it possible to travel throughout the entire galaxy at any point in time in simply a matter of seconds? Probably not, and it's not likely that we'll achieve the level of space travel that the Doctor is capable of anytime soon. According to one lecture found from Stephen Hawking, "If one couldn't go faster than light, the round trip to the nearest star, would take at least eight years, and to the center of the galaxy, at least eighty-thousand years. If the space ship went very near the speed of light, it might seem to the people on board, that the trip to the galactic center had taken only a few years. But that wouldn't be much consolation, if everyone you have known was dead and forgotten thousands of years ago, when you got back." And of course, this is all what physicists have concluded about space travel, if it were actually possible. Again since we are unable to accelerate anything to the speed of light, let alone past it, it is unlikely that the Doctor's adventures are ever possible. Many scenes during the various episodes show him in the TARDIS floating around in space, able to reach one planet in the blink of an eye, and for this to happen the only real way is for him to be moving much faster than the speed of light.

However, his ability to travel around the solar system so quickly doesn't even breach the many issues with him being able to travel in space. For one, where does he get air from? In one episode it's described that the TARDIS has an air "field" around it which allows him to breath anywhere (including underwater). However in space, this effect likely wouldn't be possible without some sort of way to contain the air. In addition to his ability to breath, there's the fact that he is able to move the TARDIS without any visible thrusters. Since there is no gravity in space we know that to move forward there must be some force pushing you there, and there is never any force visibly created, he just moves.
