The Physics of
Doctor Who

By Austin Head and Sarah Williamson

As many people know, Doctor Who is a TV show from Europe that follows the shenanigans of a man called the Doctor.
The events that occur throughout the many episodes are fantastic, and more than a little
unrealistic. These include, but are not limited to, time travel in a matter of seconds, space
travel in a matter of seconds, aliens lifting entire buildings off of Earth and teleporting them to the moon,
orbiting a black hole (within the event horizon),

In this web project our goal is to figure out a little
bit of the physics behind all this and see
just how probable (which won't be very) the
events are.

Page 1 - Time Travel
Page 2 - Orbiting a Black Hole
Page 3 - The Physics of Heat Transfer
Page 4 - Space Travel
Page 5 - The Physics of Teleportation

Page 6 - String Theory
