Early Telescopes



It was well known after the 14th century that lenses could correct vision. Convex lenses corrected farsightedness and concave lenses corrected nearsightedness. Through a combination of these lenses the first known telescopes were invented in the 17th century. The image below is the earliest drawing of a telescope. It was able to magnify objects 3 to 4 times.

Early telescope

The original telescope could not be patented due to its easily copied design. Once the idea of the invention was disseminated many interested parties began to improve on the design. The most famous of these was Galileo Galilei. Galileo was an Italian physicist and astronomer. He built several telescopes including one that could magnify twenty times.

Galelio's telescope

He used this telescope to observe mountains and craters on the moon, the moons of Jupiter, and the rings of Saturn. Galileo took note of the orbits of other planets and deduced that they must be orbiting the sun and not the earth which was the popular theory at that time. He was almost burned at the stake for this controversial idea. Today the heliocentric theory which was first put forth by Copernicus and later popularized by Galileo is the accepted explanation of the planetary orbits.