Big Air

Back Flips
     When Monster Trucks do back flips, they don't go about it in the usual way as in other sports. Rather than driving off an incline and moving horizontally while back flipping, they drive up a nearly vertical incline and land behind where they took off. In the picture to the right, the truck was initially moving to the right and is spinning in a counterclockwise direction. The reason for this difference in takeoff is based on their large moment of inertia. In order to make a full rotation, they must throw all of their momentum into the spinning motion and can't afford to lose any in the horizontal direction.
    Monster trucks are known for their huge jumping capabilities. As the diagram to the left demonstrates, a 10,500lb truck can jump around 30 feet into the air and come down with about 40 tons of pressure. The trucks have to be able to get up to speed in a short distance in order to get the big air that they are famous for.
