First of all, it was said in the movie that the size of the asteroid was as large as the state of Texas, which can't be true because the largest asteroid in the main belt is only about 900 kilometer across while Texas is only about 1400 kilometers across. Next, if this asteroid was this size, it would've had great gravity which would have forced the asteroid to be rounded, while this one in the movie was jagged shaped. Finally the stations movement and docking was completely implausible regarding physics because the station was spinning far to fast and the station would have to fly in big circles to minimize the force it would have exerted. This movie is filled of false science which is why I named it ugliest of all bad science films.

Elegant pictures by craigCloutier Taken from flickr, under creative common. If you keep any of these pictures in your final website, please keep this credit too, thanks

Examples of the Good, Bad, and Ugly Physics On Film and Why

Armageddon  -  D+

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