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  Nicola-leonard-sadi Carnot
 Picture of Carnot  http://www.ccstib.fr/sites/sciences/IMG/jpg/Sadi_en_habit_de_polytechnicien.jpg
In order to understand how Carnot Heat Engines work, a general understanding of thermodynamics and physics is needed.  So what exactly is thermodynamics?  Put simply, thermodynamics is a branch of science that involves the study of heat and its relation to energy and work.  Through thermodynamics, people are able to understand how much energy is needed to induce  a phase change, maintain a constant temperature in a home, create useful work through a turbine or engine, and much much more. 

What is the Purpose of this Site?

The goal of this site is to introduce basic concepts in thermodynamics and physics in order to understand Carnot Heat Engines.  Hopefully, after some exploring, viewers will understand why Carnot Heat Engines are the most efficient engines possible.  Even without any friction or other irreversibilities, efficiency can never reach 100 percent because of constraints discovered in the 1800s
. Before we get too deep in equations and science, we will be introduced to the man known as the "Father of Thermodynamics", Sadi Carnot.