Penrose's Concentric Circles

Conformal Cyclic Cosmology

     Last semester I went to a journal club meeting with Dr. Ezra Newman as the presenter for that day. He proposed and explained a new theory that his friend and colleague Roger Penrose and Vahe Gurzadyan. Like most of these high leveled physics theories, I had a difficult time understanding half of what he said. But, after some questions and considerating and researching, I was able to understand at least a basic conceptual idea of what this theory proposes. The proof, currently being checked and double checked by physcists across the world, is, of course, in the Cosmic Microwave Background. Conformal Cyclic Cosmology (CCC) basically states that our present universe is one of an infinite amount of universes. This is not like the popular multiverse theory that states all of these universes exist at the same time, but is more of an oscillation of universes. Meaning that before this universe came into being, before the Big Bang, there was another universe that is structured like ours. And before that one, another universe. And another, and another, and so on. It also means that there will be an infinite amount of universes after ours. This concept sounds insane, but then again so did the Earth being round instead of flat. The question is, what is the proof. 

     Well, as our current Universe goes on and on, all the stars and galaxies will eventually start collapsing in on themselves in what we call superblackholes. These massive structures would have such an impact on the Universe, to the point where, if two were to collide, the resulting forces would be unfathomably huge. In fact, the after shock of these collisions would be so big, they would carry over into the next universe after the present one was finally ready for another Big Bang. These periods between universe and Big Bangs are known as conformal time periods and they seperate each universe life, or aeon. Considering the amount of time each conformal period is can be extremely tricky, since it must take an infinite amount of regular time to happen. This is the point that the theory starts to lose me, because I cannot understand what conformal time actually is, although when I asked it was explained as time/time and therefore unitless and completely theoretical. To see the proof, however, one does not need to understand what conformal time is. As I mentioned earlier, the collisions of the superblackholes would be so massive that the signatures of their collisions would carry over into the next aeon. These signatures would show up as concentric circles of lowered temperature in the primodial radiation of the early Universe. This primodial radiation is, as we now know, the CMB. This is the proof of CCC, the concentric cirlces within the CMB have been observed by Roger Penrose and now many other physicists are starting to see them and agree that they exist. Where this theory may go in the future is unkown, but the proof of future theories and current ones will most likely be found in one of our most important tools today, the Cosmic Microwave Background.