image: created by me in photoshop
True Facts About Bowhead Whales
- Bowhead whales have the biggest
baleen (teeth) of the baleen whales
- An adult bowhead whale can weigh
between 80-110 tons
- Bowhead whales are quite
distinct and can be recognized by being all
black except for under their lower jaw which is
all white
- They are very slow swimmers
cruising between 2-7 mph, but when in danger can
reach speeds of 10-12 mph for short durations
when in danger
- We have no way to age a bowhead
whale as their skin doesn't age, best estimates
come from spear tips or bullets in the blubber
putting some at almost 300 years old
- With an estimated population of
only 8,000-12,000 world-wide bowhead whales are
an endangered species

image: https://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/whales/species/Bowheadwhale.shtml
image: https://www.factzoo.com/mammals/bowhead-whale-arctic-baleen.html