Home How To Throw a Frisbee The Physics A Frisbee's Flight and Bernoulli's Principle A Story References

A Story

It's dark. It smells like sweat and unwashed clothes with a hint of old grass stains. I go to my happy place, where I am soaring through the sky free! Riding the breeze with the sun on my back—a hard jarring impact brings me back—I can tell that I have stopped moving for the time being and now hear exited voices beyond the darkness. My anticipation rising with the hope of being set free again... even if it is only for a time.

Some time passes, extended by my excitement. Finally I hear a zipper being opened and I am picked up and brought into the sun, Oh glorious sunlight! I am twirled a few times while more muttering occurs. Get on with it! I think. Then the sound of someone trotting away is heard and I make myself rigid, preparing for the send off.

The hand holding me moves to its position and then... Wooooosh!

I am sent soaring off. It is Magnificent! Utter bliss. The feel of the higher pressure from below propelling me upward into the less forceful sky. I had a good spin too. With a spin like this one I could fly for ages.

Thud! I am snatched out of mid air, by another (not yet sticky) hand, rotated and sent back from whence I'd come.

This exchange happened for the next few minutes all the while more and more hands joining in. There where a few times when The hands would miss and I would get to continue my journey until gravity claimed me and I was inevitable brought down. A few moments later I would be grabbed by a new pair of hands just to be sent back into the back-and-forth all over agin.

It was never hard to figure out when the game was about to start. There would always be a pause that involved a lot of yammering while I was being twirled, followed by some swinging as they took their places on the field just before the big flight.

You might ask, "How do I keep from getting sick? What with all this spinning, twirling and swinging combined with the sudden jarring impacts every few moments."

The answer is simple. I don't have eyes or a mouth or even ears. All I have is feeling. The only way I tell up from down is by the pull of gravity, and wherever the stronger force is coming from is my bottom and the opposite direction of that is my back. It really isn't that complicated.

Now I was floating in the air, slowly being pulled toward the center of gravity. A few moments later I'm snatched by some soon to be sticky hands and sent on my way again. Another pair of hands and a twist and off again... and again... and again. Every time the forces were a little bit different, sometimes I wasn't going very fast, other times I was not spinning enough and as I left the hand I would wobble through the air. And still other times (the worst of times, even worse than being in the dark zipper bag) I was just being flipped and swung and flipped again by sweaty hands that were close to another pair of sweaty hands that just flailed up and down with no apparent prepose other than to keep me from my pleasure.

Then I am finally thrown, and snatched and thrown again and then forcibly grabbed and held on to tightly. I get thrust into the air cheers filling the atmosphere and high-fives getting passed off... First point of the game.

This is my life. I am a Frisbee.