For my 2016 Physics 211 Project I created a JavaScript game
featuring a ninja sprite demonstrating physics concepts that utilizes a
realtime physics engine of which I created specifically for this project
based off of real kinematic equations. When I started this project I only
had an idea and couple weeks of self-taught experience with JavaScript,
so in order to make my idea a reality, I had to overcome a
multitude of obstacles as I simultaneously learned JavaScript, Physics,
and programmed the game. Currently, the game is a little over a total of
1000 lines of code (equivalent to about 30 pieces of paper if printed with
size 12 font) and is the largest coding project I have worked on. Not all
of the features I wanted to include made it into the current version of
the game due to time and knowledge constraints, however, as mentioned on
the "sources" page, I have this game available under an MIT open source
license on my Github page and will continue adding to it when I can.
-Ryan Stonebraker Physics 211 F04