Day 4: Torque

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This day I was completely out of ideas so I decided to stay simple with my plans. I was going to throw a rock off the edge of a cliff and have it land on the road runner. The rock was particularly heavy and I couldn't lift it above my head so I leaned it up and managed to turn it over off the edge. However, instead of falling off since most of the mass is suspended, the rock balanced perfectly flat.
Since there is not a large mass on the side of the cliff holding it down I can assume that the laws of torque are not observed here either. The figure below shows the difference between torque and transfer energy. This is an example of torque since there is a fulcrum and one side would be going down and the other would go up. I will analyze the flaw in the physics by modeling the rock as a straight and even rod.

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For the rock to be stationary the net torque would have to be zero. Torque is the distance from the center multiplied by the force applied. Thus for the rock to be stationary their would need to be more mass on one side than the other, there would be a gravitational anomaly, or I am still in the cartoon world.