- Introduction
- During the high time of its
active career, the SR-71 Blackbird was heralded as
the fastest aircraft in the world. Together with its
sleek design and a distinct black paint, the
Blackbird captured many a kids heart who dreams that
one day he or she will be able to fly the
magnificent beast. If we are still in say the 1960's
then it's just tough luck, no one could've gotten
any information about this aircraft after all the
SR-71 Blackbird was designed as a "spy" plane. But
since we are in the 20th century, one can just press
combinations of buttons and get stuffed with
information about a query. We have some idea of the
way the Blackbird works and how it accomplished the
feats it did during it's celebrated lifetime.
object like this is made to fly and how it was used in which made it a spy plane...

The illustration on the left is created by David Hebert. It is the closest representation to an actual blueprint of the SR-71. According to Hebert, it is impossile to source an original copy as it is still considered as a very confidential document.
photo by David Hebert, photo from http://www.wvi.com/~sr71webmaster/schematic.html
The Physics of Flight: The process of how an enormous object is made able to soar in the sky.
The Physics of Stealth: How we can use the shape and other details in order to hide an aircraft.
The Physics of Heat Management: How the aircraft is able to withstand the extreme temperature caused by friction.