What does Structure do?
Warm Conditions
When wet snow is on the ground a skier has
to be aware of liquid water on the ski creating what is called
suction. Wet snow suction is also called wet friction, it
results in drag. Structure is used to break up the surface
area of the ski reducing waters ability to stick to the smooth
flat surface.
Cold and Near Freezing Conditions
When temperatures are above freezing, and
there is more liquid in the snow a more aggressive structure
will be used. A tool is rolled along the base of the ski that
puts shallow dents into the base. The tool can imprint a
variety of shapes/patterns on the ski depending
on skier preference.
When the temperature is
within a few degrees of freezing a shallower more spaced out
pattern is used. When the temperature is well below freezing
often no new structure is put into the ski. Generally a skier
will rely on structure that already is in the ski (from
previously warm days, or from the factory).
images from: http://www.timminsskiracers.ca/styled-3/
Note: This template was created by Andreas Viklund, and was downloaded for use from his website. To access Viklund's website click here.