The Mayan People
The Mayan were advanced Mesoamerican civilization living in present-day southern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize and
northern Honduras. The Mayan were not one unified empire, but rather a series of powerful city-states that often
allied with or warred upon one another. Maya civilization peaked around 800 A.D. before falling into decline. In order to plan activities ahead of time and to predict what future holds for mankind at that time, the Mayans developed their calendars to keep tract of short, medium to long term events. For example the calendar round was used to fix dates for marriages, dates for war, name individuals, and calendar to predict the future. The most controversial calendar that the Mayans developed was the long count calendar which predicted rare galactic alignment of the December solstice sun with the Galactic equator which occurs once every 26,000 years and marked 2012 A.D to be the exact date which was also the end date for this long count calendar. These calendars and some of the most important cosmic activities they discovered during their time were cut into stones, walls, and monuments and were preserved up to today. The meaning of these drawings have been decoded by scholars who were interested with Mayan mythology through the help of historians and traditional leaders of the Mayans who live today.  For the purpose of this topic, only the long count calendar and monuments from one Mayan city called the Izapa which have recognizable scenes from Maya creation mythology will be used to unlock the physics behind these artifacts. Also to better understand this piece of work, knowledge about some astronomical terms will be discussed first.