The Long Count Calendar

The Long Count is an astronomical calendar which was used by the Mayan civilization to track longer periods of time. A completed cycle is estimated to be

2,880,000 days which is about Maya 7885 solar years. The Mayans believed that the universe is destroyed and then recreated at the start of each cycle

which was estimated to be December 21 2012 which was also met with a rare celestial alignment between the sun and our galaxy, one that has been

slowly converging for thousands of years. By recreation of the universe at the end of the long count calendar, the Mayans were talking about the turn into

the new millennium and the destruction andthe catastrophic events that have already occurred over the decade since we turned into our new


Galactic Cosmology of the Izapan Ball court

Now let us explore the   science and physics behind the monuments found in Izapa and will refer to the above figure as we proceed for clear

understanding.    In  Mayan  myth,  the  winter  solstice  sun is deity  called Hunahpu, also known  as  First  Father.    The Popol  Vuh,  the Mayan sacred book

talked about setting  the   stage  so  that  the  Hero  Twins’  father   Hunahpu can be reborn, thus beginning  of a new World  Age which is our millennium.

The dark-rift or the Xibalba which the Mayans referred to is the place where the Sun meets the Milky way; a black  ridge  along  the  Milky way  caused    by    interstellar  dust  clouds. The Mayan symbolized this black region to be a birth canal of the cosmic mother for it is through the birth canal of the

Milky Way that the solstice sun will be reborn. The birth canal between the legs of the throne figure is analogous to the dark-rift in the Milky Way, a

prominent feature along the Milky Way. Here, the head is the sun, and the splayed legs frame the birth canal that is the dark-rift in the Milky Way. Below

this head is a ball and ring, which refers to the symbolism of the ballgame the upside-down serpent head on the left side has solar lord  "ahau" face in its

mouth which indicate, the convergence occurring over the distant horizon.
Interpretation of this iconography found in Izapa  suggests that indeed the  ancient sky watchers in Mesoamerica apparently have strong a cosmological   
understanding of  the impending  alignment  and a celestial precession  of  the  equinoxes and considered  it  to  be of  such  importance  to  be  a  major

 transition point, the Creation of a New World Age. In  this  way,  the Long   Count   calendar   and   Popol   Vuh Creation  Mythology  portrayed  on  Izapan monuments work  together  to describe  the  future  astronomical  alignment.