
Acceleration is the rate at which an object's velocity changes over time. Without acceleration, life would suck. Because the people making Star Citizen are determined not to have their game suck, they've given each ship their own maximum velocity and acceleration. Each ship also has an afterburner mode, which sharply increases its acceleration. So let's take a look at those!

The 325a

325a Image Location

The 325a by Origin Jumpworks is a beautiful ship. Designed for comfort, style, and, most importantly, speed. Some quick playtesting tells us that the 325's maximum speed is 220 m/s. That begs the question, though, of 'how fast does it get there?'!
I ran some tests, and came up with a table of data for how fast the 325a gets up to its 220 m/s.

t(s), without afterburner
t(s), with afterburner
4.7 1.7
4.6 1.8

Our average times to reach maximum velocity came out to 4.7 seconds without the afterburner, then 1.7 with the afterburner. With the afterburner, the 325a accelerated 2.76 times faster.

Now that we have our velocities and times, we can calculate the acceleration!
Without the afterburner, we have that a=v/t=(220m/s)/4.7s=47m/s2a = v/t = (220 m/s)/4.7s = 47m/s^2
Then, with the afterburner, we get a=v/t=(220m/s)/1.7s=130m/s2
a = v/t = (220m/s)/1.7s =130m/s^2

Interesting note, and a nice sanity check to make sure the values came out correctly, is that our 47m/s2m/s^2 multiplied by our ratio of 2.76 times faster does actually give an acceleration of 130m/s2m/s^2!

The next question that I asked, was 'this is very good and all, but how far does it travel while speeding up?'. If you're in a crowded area, and need to leave, knowing how far you have to travel to get up to speed might be very important! Fortunately, we have our kinematic equations to save the day!
If we let our initial position and velocity both equal zero, we know that our distance traveled in the forwards (we'll call it x) direction is equal to (1/2)at^2.
For without the afterburner, that equation tells us that we will travel 519 meters before we're up to our max speed.
With the afterburner, though, we get a much shorter 188 meters before we're cruising along.
If we do our sanity check again, and multiple the 188m by 2.76, we do get 519m! Huzzah for consistency!

The Hornet

Hornet Image Location

The Hornet has long been the navy's front line fighter. Able to take a beating, and dish it out with abandon. No where near as sleek and attractive as the 325a, a fully armed Hornet can ruin anyone's day. So let's run tests on it too!
The Hornet's maximum speed is a lower 200m/s.

t(s), without afterburner
t(s), with afterburner
5.6 2.2
5.6 2.1
5.5 2.3
5.6 2.2

Our average times to reach maximum velocity came out to 5.56 seconds without the afterburner, then 2.18 with the afterburner. With the afterburner, the Hornet accelerated 2.55 times faster.

Using the same formulae above, we get that the acceleration of the hornet is:
Without the afterburner: 36m/s^2
With the afterburner: 92m/s^2
Using our same sanity check, 36(2.55) does come out to 92 m/s^2!

But how much space does the Hornet take, compared to the 325a? Those same kinematic equations with our new variables tell us that it takes:
Without the afterburner: 556.5m
With the afterburner: 218.6m
Sanity check again tells us that these are consistent.

As expected, the Hornet does have a lower acceleration than the 325a, and as such, does take more straight space to speed up.

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