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Asal Takeshi, Takao Akatsuka, and Steve Haake. "The Physics of Football." Physics World (June 1, 1998): n. pag. Print.

Bush, J.W.M. "The aerodynamics of the Beautiful Game." Sports Physics. (2013): 171-92. Print.

Fitzpatrick, Richard. "The Magnus Force." University of Texas, 29 Mar. 2006. Web. 21 Nov. 2014.

Jezek, Geno. "Soccer History." History of Soccer. N.p., 2006-2013. Web. 19 Nov. 2014.

Knight, Randall D. "12.9 Rolling Motion." Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A Strategic Approach: With Modern Physics. 3rd ed. Glenview, IL. Pearson Education, 2013. 334-35. Print.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "How does a soccer ball swerve? Smoothness of a ball's surface, in addition to playing technique, is a critical factor." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 19 June 2014. Web. 15 Nov. 2014.

Ohio State University. "Rolling Motion." Rolling Motion, Torque, and Angular Momentum. Web. 20. Nov. 2014.

Wander, Luke. "The Magnus Force." The Magnus Force. University of North Carolina, n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2014.

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