
                                          Physics Shot

Physics has been defined in a variety of ways. It has been called the "scientific study of matter and energy and how they interact with each other." Physics focuses on discovering relationships and explaining patterns that arise in nature, then quantifying them in a way that hopefully everyone can understand. Very little, if any, of the world's scientific knowledge is exempt from physics, and the atom is no exception. In fact, many of the great discoveries made by physics in the past century would not have been possible but for our knowledge of the atom, which goes far beyond what is mentioned here. The patterns and relationships we see in nature are almost always a direct result of the interactions between atoms. Often times, understanding grand, macroscopic ideas about the universe begins with our knowledge of the microscopic. The atom provides a marvelous example of this idea, and makes one wonder what new, amazing discoveries lie ahead.

                                                                                                                                                                        Chemistry Shot

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