Northern Alaska Peace Corps Friends

Past Events
RPCV Profiles

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Community Service

The Northern Alaska Peace Corps Friends have been involved in several community service activities.


International Friendship Day

October 18, 2003:  The annual International Friendship Day, now in its 17th year. NAPCF maintained our booth which had many cultural items from Afghanistan, Nepal, Indonesia, Panama, Ethiopia, Gabon, Bolivia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, El Salvador and India. Assisting with Peace Corps literature and selling Wisconsin RPCV calendars were Tony Gasbarro, Carolyn Gray, Mary Beth Smetzer, who later wrote an article for the News Miner on the event, Marcella Hill, Pat Lambert, Stan Justice, Susan Hansen, Larry Flemming, Tracy Townsend, Don Gray, Frank Keim, Trevor White, Charlie Basham, Sultan Begna. LJ Evans came later to assist some of the above in the clean up effort which ended around 6:30. Our group assisted by not only contacting schools, making literature for tables, collecting a 10% fee of all items sold, making a contact list for 2004, assisting the set up and cleaning up during and after the event but also maintaining a table displaying shoes from around the

Click on one of the thumb-nailed images to see a larger size photo from International Friendship Day.

Nepalese Library and Philippine Water System

January 20, 2003: NAPCF members decided to make a donation to the Syang Library in Nepal which was begun by Pam Randles who founded Northern Alaska Peace Corps Friends.  The group also made a donation to a water catchment system project in the Philippines coordinated by LJ Evans, who is from Fairbanks and was serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer in an environmental education program in the Philippines at this time.


Scholarships for El Salvador

November 18, 2002: At Chef Tuan's Restaurant a business meeting took place where NAPCF members decided to make a donation to a scholarship program in El Salvador. Other donation possibilities were also discussed.

International Friendship Day

October 19, 2002: At the 16th Annual International Friendship Day event at Pioneer Park in Fairbanks, NAPCF ran a booth for Peace Corps displaying slides of projects, and cultural items from countries of service. Potential applicants had an opportunity to ask questions of Returned Volunteers and enjoy music and dance of the other participants in the festival. We also ran a shoe identification table which challenged visitors to International Friendship Day to identify the country of origin. Shoes were brought in by other participating members of the day's event. Wisconsin RPCVs produced a Peace Corps calendar which was sold to raise revenue for a variety of Peace Corps connected projects.


International Friendship Day

October 20, 2001: NAPCF had a booth at the Fairbanks International Friendship Day. 

40th Anniversary of Peace Corps

Events in early March commemorated the 40th Anniversary of Peace Corps:

March 10, 2001: Northern Alaska Peace Corps Friends volunteer at the Ice Festival in Fairbanks

March 5, 2001: Dr. Dan Karr, RPCV Nepal presented "Return to Nepal - 30 years later, with additional work in Malawi" at the Noel Wein Library

March 5, 2001: Northern Alaska Peace Corps Friends volunteered at the food bank.






©2005-2011 Northern Alaska Peace Corps Friends

Contact Information | January 27, 2011