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Francis McLaughlin , Guatemala 2000-2001

Francis McLaughlin served in Guatemala from 2000 to 2001 as a forestry volunteer.

Why did you want to join the Peace Corps?

I joined the U.S. Peace Corps for three main reasons.  First, my dad went overseas in the late sixties to fight in a war.  For a long time, I had wanted to go "overseas" like my father had, but instead of fighting, I wanted to spread peace.  Second, I believed that because I grew up in the comfortable home that my parents provided to me, I was obligated to serve less fortunate people than myself.  Third, I wanted to challenge myself by living outside the U.S., learn another language, and experience another culture.

What did you do while you were a Peace Corps volunteer?

I worked on at least a dozen projects while I lived in the Central Highlands of Guatemala; everything from establishing a seed bank to translating for visiting doctors and dentists from the U.S.  Most of my time and effort went into building an avocado tree nursery.  There are now over 10,000 new avocado trees planted near my village and the project continues to be successful.  The trees produce export quality avocadoes and protect steep land from erosion.

What are you doing now?

I was just hired by the Department of States' Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration.  I will be studying refugee issues in Columbia, Haiti, and Cuba and recommending to my supervisors how U.S. funds should be allocated to development projects aimed at aiding refugees.

Francis McLaughlin lives in Fairbanks, Alaska.


Some photos from Guatemala (click on the photo to get a larger image)

I worked with Kakchiquel Mayan Indian students to paint a world map on the outside wall of their school in San Mateo Milpas Altas, Guatemala.
This picture is of the Mam Mayan Indian children I met at an All Saints Day Celebration in Todos Santos Cuchumatan, Guatemala.


©2005 Northern Alaska Peace Corps Friends

Contact Information | January 29, 2005