2009 The Dynamics of Complex Systems:
Viewing the World from a New Perspective
at the UAF Center for Complex Systems Studies

August 4 (evening) - 6, 2009

note new start time/date

A bull moose enjoying lunch north of Fairbanks



Agenda here!
(pdf file)

Winter sunset over the Alaska Range viewed from the University




Natural Science Facility
picture taken by J. Hagen

2009 Dynamics of Complex Systems

We are pleased to announce the 4th Annual meeting in The Dynamics of Complex Systems at UAF.  This will be an interdisciplinary workshop-style meeting focusing on application of the methods and concepts from complex system dynamics to all areas of science and social science.  Special emphasis will be on common features in complex systems and the development of techniques aimed at characterizing the dynamics of these systems.  This year we will highlight IPY related areas from processes to people.

This meeting will cover a broad range of topics. Examples of topics for the 2009 meeting include complex dynamics in IPY, networks, plasmas, biological systems, fluid dynamics, climate systems, social systems, characterization of complex systems, data analysis, and model-experiment comparison.

The meeting will be structured around a series of invited talks meant to stimulate discussion and collaboration, each followed by shorter talks that relate to the topic.  A poster session will take place during the entire meeting, and there will be extensive time available for discussion, both formal and informal.

This 4th Dynamics of Complex Systems meeting will be held in Fairbanks, Alaska from August 4th(evening)-7 on the campus of the University of Alaska Fairbanks. A campus map is shown here.

The meeting will be structured around a series of invited talks meant to stimulate discussion and collaboration, each followed by shorter talks related to the just presented invited talk. There will also be sufficient poster space for posters to be left up for the duration of the meeting. We also plan on having extensive time available for discussion, both formal and informal. We hope that this format will stimulate interdisciplinary collaboration.

Important Deadlines
Registration July 17
Abstract Submission July 17

Invited Talks
Suggestions for invited talks should be via email to David Newman at ffden@uaf.edu by July 1.


Abstracts for Contributed presentations - DEADLINE JULY 17!
Abstract submission can be done via fax, email, or snail mail to Karina Possenti fyccss@uaf.edu by July 17. Please indicate if you would prefer an oral or poster presentation, and any special requirements.

Registration - DEADLINE JULY 17!
Please complete the registration form and submit via fax, email, or snail mail to Karina Possenti fyccss@uaf.edu by July 17.

Organizing Committee
David Newman, Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks
Ben Carreras, ORNL
Renate Wackerbauer, UAF

Related Meetings
Complex Systems Summer School August 2-4

Plenary Speakers
Jurgen Kurths - Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Barbara Drossel - Technical University of Darmstadt
Raul Sanchez - Oak Ridge National Laboratory


Summer School
Dynamics of Complex Systems Summer School August 2-4

Weather and Light
In late July the average high temperatures in Fairbanks are in the upper 60's and low 70's F (19-25 C) and the average lows are in the 50's F (10-13 C). Also at that time of year the sun is above the horizon much of the time in Fairbanks, with sunset after 9 PM and sunrise before 4:30 AM

Travel Information
General travel information

Hotel reservations: Rooms are in short supply over the summer, so make your reservations as soon as possible.


The Alaska Range in the summer as seen from Fairbanks

Denali Looming viewed from Fairbanks


Last updated 12-June-2009

Site Maintained by D. Newman