

Variation of Anodizing Conditions

   The main parameters affecting the anodic oxidation of Al and the prop-
erties of the resulting alumina template are the current density or applied
voltage, the pH and type of electrolyte and the temperature of the bath.
They may be varied individually or in combination to yield specific di-
mensions and distributions of the subsequent nanopores. Although the an-
odization of Al has been an industry standard for many years, the specific
manipulation of the anodization process for intended nanoporus configura-
tions is a relatively recent development in the field of nanotechnology over
the last ten years.

    Variation of the total current density has been shown to yield a linear
increase in alumina thickness, pore size and pore spacing.[5] The two dimen-
sional frequency of pore occurrence, called the porosity (P), is a function
of pore size (d) and spacing (s) is given as[5]

P = (pi*d2/4)/s2

The pore density (Np) is a function of pore spacing and is defined as

Np = 1/s2

making it inversely proportional to the square of the applied voltage.[5]
However anion absorption and transport also increases with increasing
voltage resulting in a greater occurrence of anionic impurities at higher

    The total current density is a function of applied voltage and thus pro-
duces similar effects; however the electric field at the surface oxide interface
is constant with steady state current density.[5] In the case of a fixed poten-
tial the electric field decreases with time as the oxidation process neutralizes
the surface charge distribution.[5] It has been observed that varying the po-
tential incrementally as a function of time results in variation of the inner
to outer pore diameter ratio.[5]

    Increasing the electrolyte pH at constant current density serves to de-
crease the dissolution rate thereby increasing thickness of the oxidation
layer.[5] Additionally, the steady-state voltage also increases which directly
effects the pore spacing; and subsequently the pore density is reduced.[5]
However an increase in electrolyte pH at constant voltage results in a de-
crease in oxidation current density to compensate for a decrease in dissolu-
tion current density thus maintaining the steady-state voltage condition.[5]
It has been shown that variational pore diameters are possible while main-
taining pore density by variation of applied voltage along with increasing

   At higher electrolyte temperatures similar effects to a decreased pH are
observed.[5] Additionally there seems to be a decrease in anionic impurities
however the ratio of inner to outer barrier thickness increases due to the
tendency of crystalline oxide growth at elevated temperatures.[5]

P. D. Wallace
UAF Spring 09'

Steve's Templates