How microwaves cook food

The frequency of microwaves used in microwave ovens is set by the FCC at about 2500 MHz.  It is set here so as not to interfere with radio waves of other frequencies used in communications.  This frequency also has 3 very important properties. 
1) Microwaves are reflected by metal, like light rays are refl ected from a mirror.  This means that the microwaves are contained inside the oven because the walls are made of metal.
2) Microwaves can pass through plastic and glass which also turns out to be quite convenient, because that way they can pass through the container that the food is kept in, and be absorbed by the food instead.
3) Microwaves are absorbed by water, oil and sugar molecules and those are the kinds of molecules in foods.

What does it mean that microwaves are absorbed by a molecule?  It means that the energy is transferred to the molecule, making it move more, so the temperature of the food rises.  Think about an X-ray.  It can pass through skin, and then is absorbed by bone.  In the same way microwaves pass through the glass cup, and are absorbed by tea.  In very thick foods, sometimes the microwaves cannot reach the middle of the food, since they have been absorbed by the outer edges, so it is advisable not to cook very thick foods in a microwave oven.




How a microwave works

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