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Q: At which angle of departure does a  bullet achieve its maximum range? To Questions 
Q: Why is the rotation of the bullet, after leaving the muzzle, clockwise and why not counterclockwise? To Questions 
Q: Is it true that if a bullet and its shell are released simultaneously, they
will both hit the ground at the same time? why? To Questions 
Q:  If a bullet is fired horizontally from a barrel that is perfectly level, will
the bullet, at some point, rise? To Questions 
Q: Centrifugal force is a ficticious force, it does not exist! There is only a force radially inward which is the centripetal force. To Questions 
 Q: Can a conventional gun fire an ordinary bullet in the vacuum of space? To Questions 
 Q: Will a bullet stabilize in space (absense of atmosphere), or tumble? To Questions 
 Q: How fast does a bullet lose its spin velocity? To Questions 
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