Personal Life
    Tesla was born in Serbia on 1856, he studied electrical engineering at the Austrian Polytechnic in Graz. He never completed his degree due to the death of his father. Tesla moved to Paris in 1882 to work as an engineer for Edison's Continental Edison Company. Using the reference from this position he moves to The United States and acquired a position at Edison's Machine Works. During his time there Tesla was offered $50,000 dollars to redesign the DC motor that Edison has invented, but upon completion of the redesign Edison redacted his promise of the agreed payment, which lead to Telsa leaving the company.

    Tesla went on to work for Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company, which allowed him to open his own personal laboratory. While working for Westinghouse, Tesla was able to commercialize his system of alternating current. This lead to Edison launching a smear campaign against AC current because it was competing with his DC current systems. At the time Edison won the fight and his DC current prevailed, but eventually most commercial goods would be run of of AC current.

In the end, despite all of his accomplishments, Tesla died alone and with little money. He died on
1943 in his New york hotel suite.

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