The Prcincipes of
Thermodynamics are very imporantt when i come to designing firearms
because they govern how well the entire gun as an engire work.
The ideal gas law is what governs how expanding
gases inside of a weapons behave. As stated it says that the pressure
multiplied by the Volume is equal to the temperture Multiplied by the
the number of moles of the material and the universial gas constant. In
the cas of fire arms black powder is ignited, releaseing a very hot
gas. This hot expanding gas is what operates the engine inside of the
The above picture is
a very basic heat engine. The Hot Source of the engine is the expanding
gas, while the cold sink in this system is the area around the gun.
After the weapon finishes its cycle, and loads another round into the
firing chamber, all of the gas freely vents out of the gun.