Electricity and megnetism have been experiemtned with as the driving force of a weapon. Magnetic field are genterated when a electric current runs through an object, that object emits an electromagnetic field.                        


F = q(v x B) = qvBsin(#)

    B is the strength of a magnetic filed mesured in Tesla's, v is the velocity vector of the particle of question, and q is the charge of that particle.


The above shows magnetic lines of force on a bar magnet. the Iron filings are aligned in the direction the magnetic field acts on them.


    These have been built before, and have been proven as a probable concept for a weapon. The basic idea is to use an electromagnetic field to propell a weapon to its target, instead of using the usual propellants, like Black Powder or Rocket fuel.
    The Rail gun gets it name becuse it uses two parallel metal rails that are connected to a power supply. The projectile is used to complete the circuit inbetween the two rails and the power supply. The projectile becomes an electromagnet when this happens. the Right-hand rule makes the Field circulate around each conductor. The oppsoing Currents caus the net magnetic field to be directed vertically, which accelerates the projectile.


    This means that the speed at which we can fire a projectile is no longer limited to how much blck powder or rocket fuel we use. One Design advnatage this has over the other two sources is that they cause alot of stress on whatever mechansim is containing them, where a railgun is only limited by howmuch current we can run through a wire.
    The above Photo shows a projectile lauched from a rail gun built by the navy that can peirce through the armor of a battle ship. There are also design for a railgun that can launch spacecraft into outspace. this would allow for alot fo fule to be loaded onboard instead of being used to just get the craft up into space.