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What Is Magnetic Levitation?



The Physics of Magnetic Levitation
Physics 212X Spring 2011
John Dutton

Let's Talk Physics

          Magnetism is a physical property that is probably taught in every Physics course around the world. A brief introduction is necessary to understand Magnetic Levitation.

  1. Magnetism by definition is a physical property of a certain material that responds to a magnetic field.
  2. Magnetic Fields are produced by electric currents or even electric fields that vary by time.
  3. Magnetic Force can be defined by Lorentz Force.
          The Lorentz Force is given below: Where x symbolizes the Cross Product and not (times)

          This force is utilized to float, guide, and accelerate the train. There are two common types of suspension systems. EMS (Electromagnetic Suspension) and EDS (Electrodynamic Suspension). EMS works by altering the strength of the magnetic field created by electromagnets. The effect achieved by this process is levitation. EDS works by outfitting the rail with permanent magnets and installing magnets on the train. The relative motion between the two creates a lift.

        Propulsion: There are stator packs on the rail. These have 3-Phase Aluminum cables in them. When current is supplied it creates an Alternating Current (AC). This Alternating Current pushes and pulls the train. This AC is also used for brakes.


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