How a Stirling Engine Works

Air in the engine is cyclically heated (by an alcohol burner) and expands to push the power piston (shown in blue) to the right. As the power piston moves to the right, the yellow linkage forces the loose-fitting, red "piston" (on the left half of the machine) to displace air to the cooler side of the engine. The air on the cool side loses heat to the outside world and contracts, pulling the blue piston to the left. The air is again displaced, sending it back to the hotter region of the engine, and the cycle repeats.

link to original source of animation and explanation

Stirling Engines work on a temperature difference between the hot end and the cooling fins. Any source of heat could be used. Refrigerant on the cold end may be needed for long term use or if the barrier conducts too much heat. On a finely machined Stirling engine, the temerature difference can be as low a just a few degrees- the heat from your hand can be enough to power the flywheel.


How it Works

Practical Uses

Advantages and Disadvantages

