Oil Industry Facts
Facts about Oil
Titusville struck oil, the town’s population grew from “250 to 10,000
residents almost overnight”(5).
-US oil production was 2,000 bbls in
1859. (5)
-US oil production was 64,000,000 in
1900. (5)
-The Alyeska Pipeline is 800 miles
long and 48 inches wide. (5)
-“In 1996 there were 1,047,200
million barrels of proven crude oil reserves”.(6)
-“Amount of oil produced per day:
Saudi Arabia* - 8.1 million barrels per day;
*Including share of production from
the Neutral Zone
Former Soviet Union - 6.9 million barrels per day;
United States - 6.5 million barrels per day;
I.R. Iran - 3.6 million barrels per day;
China - 3.2 million barrels per day”.(6)
-“The top oil user is the USA (17 million barrels per day) and top gas
user is the former Soviet Union (23,000 billion cubic feet per year)”(6)
-“The total world consumption of
crude oil in 1996 was 71.7 million barrels per day”(6)
-“Countries that have the world's
largest proven crude oil reserves are (1996):
Saudi Arabia (261,444 millions of
Iraq (112,000 millions of barrels);
United Arab Emirates (97,800 millions
of barrels);
Kuwait (96,500 millions of barrels);
IR Iran (92,600 millions of
- “Oil supplies the US with 30% of
its energy, 50% for the UK, 10% for Japan, 22% for India and 90% for
-“Natural gas supplies the US with
26% of its energy, 18% for the UK, 4% for India and 3% for Japan”(6)