Early Drilling

Cable Tool Method

    The cable tool method of drilling, used by Edwin Drake, was a simple method that used several physics related concepts. In this drilling method, a very heavy point piece of metal was hoisted very high in the air and released. The reason that it was lifted very high is because of the principle that “a freely falling object is any object moving freely under the influence of gravity alone, regardless of its initial motion. Any freely falling object experiences an acceleration directed downward, regardless of its initial motion.”(4) Since gravity is approximately 9.81 m/s^2, the higher the object is in the air, the faster the velocity will be once it hit’s the ground. You can use the equation below to approximate the final velocity. (note that this is assuming there is no initial velocity)

(Velocity final)^2=2(gravity)(distance)

The reason that the object at the end of the line is very heavy is because of the equation


In this equation, F is force, m is mass and a is acceleration. Since the acceleration will be gravity, the only way to increase the force is to increase the mass. As Newton’s second law states “when viewed from an inertial reference frame, the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass”(4). Also think of it as what you would rather catch when playing football. Would you rather catch a regulation football or a 100 kilogram football? You would choose the first choice since it weighs less and has a less likely chance of hurting you immensely. The reason the 100 kilogram ball would inflict harm is because it has more resistance to changing its velocity than the regulation ball.

Another important concept to understand for the cable tool method
of drilling is linear momentum. The linear momentum of a particle
or object “is defined to be the product of the mass and velocity”(4).


Where p is momentum, m is mass and v is velocity.

Since this statement is equivalent to Newton’s second law, you can
see that the change of momentum over the change of time will yield
the force.

F=(momentum final-momentum initial)/(time final-time initial)

If you are able to have a great difference in the momentum while achieving it in a short time span, you can have a very large force. Furthermore, if there is an inelastic collision that causes the change in momentum, then “the total kinetic energy of the system is not the same before and after the collision”(4). This is the case with the cable tool method just like with a car collision. The reason that the kinetic energy is not the same is because there is another form of energy that it becomes. It couldn’t just disappear. It instead follows the conservation of energy law: “we can neither create nor destroy energy--energy is always conserved”(4). In the case of the cable tool method of drilling, the energy probably went into mechanical waves and heat. Mechanical waves are a means of transferring energy by “allowing a disturbance to propagate through air or another medium”(4). This is the noise you would hear from the metal piece hitting the ground.


In the case of vehicle accidents, transfer of energy would occur from work, mechanical waves, heat and maybe even matter transfer. Matter transfer involves situations where matter would physically cross a boundary.

The reason that the metal piece is pointed in the cable tool method is because of pressure. Pressure is defined as the force over the area.


Where P is pressure, F is force and A is area.

If the cable tool is able to establish enough
pressure on its tip, it will cause the rock formation
to conform. When this did occur, the workers at
the well would remove the rock fragments by
hand. The main problem with this type of drilling
is that there is no way to control from oil and gas
blowing out into the surface once the formation
was punctured. This is also due to pressure;
pressure of the rock formation.                                                                       [f]

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