According to Star Wars mythos, as well as several twenty-somethings contributing from their mother's basement, a Lightsaber is a beam of energy.  Its production is best described by the diagram shown here:

Lightsabe Diagram

The beam starts on the right hand side of the A whole bunch of lightsabersthe diagram.  The "Diatium Power Cell" produces a beam which is fired out through the "Primary Crystal."  The primary crystal along with the "Energy Gate" focuses energy beam into the "Focusing Crystal."  This diagram only has one crystal, however in other Lightsabers there can be several focusing crystals, to give the beam a different power level or length.  The beam is then focused further though the "Blade Energy Channel' and finally exits though the magnetic stabilizing ring.

anchant lightsaberLightsabers can come in many different shapes and sizes, from the cumbersome older models, which used a belt mounted power pack, though to the type small enough to cut bread.

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