exactly the
burning-cut-off-your-hands part is (IE the blade).
There are several different possibilities you could look at with
this. It could be either a laser, beam of plasma, stream of
electrons or protons, or some sort of energy beam which only works
above a specific energy level.
A laser is a beam of light in which all the photons are going in the
same direction at the same frequency. It doesn't tend to disperse
over distance and it is very good for cutting things. The
problems with a laser are many. A laser can not be blocked by
another laser. It also
not be seen unless it is the light
reflecting off of something else.
Finally, the only way to make a laser shine out to a particular
distance and simply stop would be to put a mirror out there.
Which would not be a Lightsaber so much as it would be a laser
chainsaw, or Beam Katana.
Plasma is very hot. It can also be seen fairly well. It can
also be directed using electro-magnets. The problem with using
plasma is that it tends to dissipate very easily and diffuse even more
quickly. This would render the Lightsaber into more of a stick
with an extremely hot ball of plasma on the end. The fact that
plasma can be radioactive would also be a deterrent for the users of
A Stream of Electrons or Protons:
This is actually a fairly probable idea. A beam of electrons can
be directed by magnetic or electric forces, it would glow since it
ionizes air, and it has the ability to cut objects. For those of
you who either know physics or like to pretend you know physics I have
worked out some simple calculations and written some long scientific
sounding words. For everyone else: trust me, it wouldn't work.
A Beam of Energy:
This seems to be the most likely scenario. It could ionize the
air it touches, which would allow it to cut through objects and to
glow. The
only problem is that it would have to be a very specific type of
energy. Since it would have to be able to travel through several
crystals (like light). So if it were a beam with characteristics
similar to light, this would be possible but sadly enough we do not
know of any beams like this (to my knowledge.