The idea behind how blasters work is actually quite simple.  It is really a multi-chambered extremely powerful gas gun, if anyone has been to a Mexican restaurant recently they can understand exactly how devastating this can be.

Blaster DiagramWhen the trigger of a blaster is pulled a small amount of gas is released from the "Gas Chamber" into the "Gas Conversion Enabler or XCiter(...yah)."  Once the gas has been XCited into a high energy state it is released in to the "Actuating Blaster Module" where it is compressed and flows into the "Prismatic Crystal Housing" which serves to compress and streamline the beam even more.  The gas goes through an additional streamline/compression process with the "Static Pulse Adaptors."  Although this process is known as "galvening," a term I have still not found a definition for.  Finally the beam exits out the tip of the gun and reduces your formidable opponent into nothing more than a burned mass, or Owen Lars.

So what are some problems with a weapon that posses such destructive power?  Let's do as so many first year physics students don't do and open a physics book.

Lock the door.  And hope they don't have pants

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