Heather C. Hopkins
Last updated 11/25/2009
Scuba Diving Equipment can be expensive, but for good
reason: it is necessary to keep you alive underwater. Physics has
led to many different innovations in scuba equipment, and dive gear is
much more advanced today than it was in the past. Here are some
examples of how physics is applied to scuba diving gear:
illustration, courtesy of Merriam-Webster Online at
Physics comes in to play in many ways concerning scuba tanks. As
seen previously in the pressure section, Boyle's Law
shows that gases can be compressed to a smaller volume at an increased
pressure. This fact makes scuba tanks possible. Tanks are
filled with gas at a higher pressure, and a smaller volume than the gas
normally exists. In addition, factors
tank pressure and volume, the surrounding water
temperature, and individual breathing patterns all affect the amount of
time a tank can be used on a dive. Also, Charles' Law
describes how the volume of a gas changes with the temperature.
explains why filling tanks is done underwater to keep the tanks from
heating, since compressing gas increases the heat.
BCDs and weight belts: The main purpose of the BCD(Buoyancy
Control Device) and the weight belts are to maintain buoyancy at the
diver's desired level. These two pieces of gear are important to
minimize harm on aquatic life (especially coral), and to minimize
uncontrolled, rapid ascending, which can potentially be dangerous.
Regulators: Regulators are the devices used to breathe
underwater by reducing the high pressure in a scuba tank to match
surrounding pressure in the water. These devices may also have
other features. For instance, some regulators
include a heat exchanger, which makes valves resistant to
Another feature of many regulators is the ability to maximize air flow
at depth.
Power inflators: These are simple on and off valves. They
pressure between a diver's tank and their buoyancy control device
(BCD). When there is low pressure in a person's tank, these power
inflators still work, but at slower rates.
Diving instruments and dive tables: Diving instruments are
essential for reducing the risk of decompression sickness (as described
in the dangers section of this website). In addition, dive tables
are used to calculate the amount of absorbed nitrogen in the body, and
how much can be released safely.
Scuba fins: Fins have various designs, most of which are
incorporated into the blade of the fin. For example, some fins
have ribs on the blade, which act as vertical stabilizers.
Another feature of fins is vents, which reduce resistance to movement
and help increase efficiency. |