How does researching human behavior tie into physics?
Human behavior can be viewed as a having many of the dyanmics of
a complex system. Prof. Newman's research is based on decision-making;
specifically the way we learn, assign risks, and forget certain things.
Newman's research is not based on any one culture but generically on
people as a whole. Anything more detailed in terms of understanding
human behavior would be researched by someone from the social sciences.
The knowledge that comes from studying how humans assess risk can be
applied to situations such as designing how "reliable" a power transmission system
should be. Professor Newman co-authored a paper called "Understand the
Effect of Risk Aversion on Risk" in 2005 that further discusses human
behvaior research. The applications for understanding different
behaviors are endless when you consider that every time a decision is
made the pros and cons are weighed against one another and a "rating"
is applied.
Introduction Why Physics?
Nuclear Fusion
Transmission Systems