
Another aspect of gameplay in the World of Goo is creating towers in order to complete a level. The design of the towers in the World of Goo are similar to the bridges. Often a series of triangles are stacked on together to create boxes that eventually reach a target. During gameplay if the base is not the right size, the tower becomes too tall and if you do not reach the vacuumm in time you will have to rebuild.

Before and After pictures of tower construction in the World of Goo.

It seems that there is a competition to see who can build the tallest building. However before there were skyscrapers there were towers. Just like in the World of Goo the building must be able to support the weight of the building and any stresses placed on the structure. The goal is to create a static structure. The way that this has been accomplished has changed throughtout history. 'Skyscrapers' of the past were built of solid thick materials and had few windows (Big Buildings).

As time progressed, the advancement of architecture and science allowed for more height and intricate designs. For example, the flying butresses of Notre Dame allowed for its design(Big Buildings).

The Flying Butresses of Notre Dame.


Eventually, steel and and iron allowed for stronger and lighter buildings (Big Buildings). The following link provides some interesting information about the progression of building design: Building Big: Skyscrapers. Today the amazing builidings we see are marvels of physics and engineering. They are made to withstand earthquakes, wind, and any other forces that might be regionally relevant.

Here is a small piece on the Burj Dubai from Good Morning America




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