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What is Mass Effect?
Mass Effect defined by Wikipedia
"A series of science fiction, action role-playing, third person shooter video
games developed by the Canadian company
Bioware...The trilogy centers on a player-created character
named Commander Shepard, with the mission to save the
galaxy from a race of mechanical beings known as the Reapers
and their followers."

Why is this game
Just like any other popular science fiction of our time, Mass
Effect helps pave the way for the future by
inspiring the current generations to get involved in science.
Many of the scientific concepts presented in Mass Effect are representative
of current technologies being developed, such as
starships, invisibility, cure for aging etc...
Many of these concepts in the game are possible because of
something called a Mass Effect Field.
A Mass Effect Field is generated by running electrical current
though an element called Element Zero.
Here I will discuss with you a few of the topics that could only
be decades away!
Want to know more?
Mass Effect not only
contributes to science, but society as well. If you
wish to know more about the Mass Effect
universe, you can
visit my Mass Effect Facebook fan page at:
Here we discuss all aspects of the Mass Effect
universe and enjoy the wonders of the game.