Emergence is a property of nature that is seen every day. When you see waves in sand, patterns of a snow flake, or the comeback of bell bottom jeans, you are seeing the property of emergence. Emergence is a law of nature, not primarily a law of physics. Emergence is studied to understand the laws of physics. Emergence is the natural formation of patterns caused by many small formations. For the computer geeks and math lovers out there, an emergent property is what occurs in fractals (see Mandelbrot set), Since the beginning of physics, it's been believed that emergence is the basis of the universe. When you consider the patterns of atom formations that lead to the pattern of nucleotides that leads to the pattern of the human genome that leads to the pattern and symmetry of the human body, it's easy to see how this is quite possible.

In physics, emergence answers the question of "how" but only leads to another question of "What". For example, the earth and its gravitational pull exists how? Well that would be through emergent properties of gravity in respect to a mass. Well what causes the mass? The emergent formation of the atomic structures that make up earth's matter. If you continuously ask what and how, sooner or later you get to the answer "The emergent properties of an explosion" (big bang). The fun part comes when we finally discover the emergent pattern that lead to that. The latest theories of physics, namely quantum mechanics, relies on the fact that emergence exists everywhere.