answer to improved aerodynamics:
Kammtail Virtual
The Kammtail Virtual Airfoil also known as
"KVF" is an airfoil design created by the
company Trek, which is a result of nine-months
of low speed airfoil development project. It
stands out as a unique design utilizing a
"virtual" tail in order to trick the wind that
its a full foil.
KVF Foil w/ virtual Tail to
trick wind into thinking its a full foil

Photo Courtesy of
Some of the major distinctions that the
KVF has over other airfoil design is that it's
seen to have a performance of a 5:1 airfoil
ratio with dimension nowhere near that
size in order to be in regulation with UCI's
3:1 ratio rule; it also has been seen as one
of the better airfoils designs for crosswind
situations in cycling.
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